Somewhat Ridiculous Things I’ve Said In The Past

Here are a list of quotes from Dave Linhardt.  I pulled these from emails I’ve sent overt the past year or so. “There is a lot of micro within the macro.” “A data exchange might be the best way to monetize data that I’ve seen it the past 10 years.” “It’s a bad call toContinue reading “Somewhat Ridiculous Things I’ve Said In The Past”

What I have in common with Jason Calacanis

I’ve been listening to The Week in Startups, a really good podcast for entrepreneurs.  After a few shows, I was hooked.  TWIST has great guests and good insights.  As I’ve gotten to know the host, Jason Calacanis, I really enjoy listening to him.  You could say, he’s my new hero. Below is a random listContinue reading “What I have in common with Jason Calacanis”