What to Know About IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is something that you have probably heard about at least a little bit in the last decade. The concept of IoT has been around for quite a while, but it has really picked up steam over the last decade due to the prevalence of smart technology. IoT refers to theContinue reading “What to Know About IoT”

Is the Four-Day Workweek the Future of Labor?

Many experts think that things are going to change in the future in regards to the workweek. Currently, it’s very common for people to work five days or more each week. Many Americans have to push themselves and they work more than 40 hours each week just to make ends meet. However, with technological advancementsContinue reading “Is the Four-Day Workweek the Future of Labor?”

The Importance of Listening as a Leader

Listening is something that seems so simple and yet so many leaders aren’t good at it. There are many people that get put in leadership positions who make the mistake of only barking orders and not listening. They wind up being much less effective as leaders because they don’t listen. Keep reading to learn aboutContinue reading “The Importance of Listening as a Leader”